Competition teams
We offer a variety of competition team options to best fit your dancer!
The program is designed for dancers ages 6+ ready to take their dancing to the next level.
This is a 3+ day a week program (2 days per week for our mini team).
Team dancers compete in tap, jazz, hip-hop and lyrical (Minis compete in 3).
Dancers may also be invited to compete solos, duets, trios or specialty groups.
Dancers attend 3 regional competitions & 1 national competition.
Dancers attend 1 dance convention.
Additional (optional) competitions available for specialty routines.
Dancers audition for the program.
All dancers accepted to the team must attend our intensive at the end of the summer.
Acceler8 team:
The program is designed for dancers 8+ ready to take their dancing to the
next level without the commitment of the full competition team.
Acceler8 dancers can compete in groups, but not solos, duets or trios.
Acceler8 is a minimum 1 day/week program and we now also offer a 2 days/week option!
Dancers take technique, tap & hip-hop (or can take technique and choose one of the two styles).
Dancers attend 3 regional competitions and 1 national competition & compete in tap & hip-hop.
Dancers have the option of attending convention with the full team.
Dancers audition for the program.
Acceler8 dancers must attend our team auditions in the spring & intensive at the end of the summer.
Acceler8 PLUS team:
Dancers take the same classes as noted above as well as ballet, jazz & lyrical.
Dancers meet 2 days per week.
Dancers compete in hip-hop, tap, jazz & lyrical.
Acceler8 PLUS dancers must attend convention.
Acceler8 Plus dancers must attend our team auditions in the spring & intensive at the end of the summer.
Itty Bitty team:
The program is designed for dancers ages 4-6 who want to dip their toes into the competition world.
Dancers take class 1 day per week (technique class and choreography/rehearsal classes).
Dancers compete 2 routines.
Dancers attend 3 regional competitions & nationals!
Contact us with any questions!
We offer a variety of competition team options to best fit your dancer!
The program is designed for dancers ages 6+ ready to take their dancing to the next level.
This is a 3+ day a week program (2 days per week for our mini team).
Team dancers compete in tap, jazz, hip-hop and lyrical (Minis compete in 3).
Dancers may also be invited to compete solos, duets, trios or specialty groups.
Dancers attend 3 regional competitions & 1 national competition.
Dancers attend 1 dance convention.
Additional (optional) competitions available for specialty routines.
Dancers audition for the program.
All dancers accepted to the team must attend our intensive at the end of the summer.
Acceler8 team:
The program is designed for dancers 8+ ready to take their dancing to the
next level without the commitment of the full competition team.
Acceler8 dancers can compete in groups, but not solos, duets or trios.
Acceler8 is a minimum 1 day/week program and we now also offer a 2 days/week option!
Dancers take technique, tap & hip-hop (or can take technique and choose one of the two styles).
Dancers attend 3 regional competitions and 1 national competition & compete in tap & hip-hop.
Dancers have the option of attending convention with the full team.
Dancers audition for the program.
Acceler8 dancers must attend our team auditions in the spring & intensive at the end of the summer.
Acceler8 PLUS team:
Dancers take the same classes as noted above as well as ballet, jazz & lyrical.
Dancers meet 2 days per week.
Dancers compete in hip-hop, tap, jazz & lyrical.
Acceler8 PLUS dancers must attend convention.
Acceler8 Plus dancers must attend our team auditions in the spring & intensive at the end of the summer.
Itty Bitty team:
The program is designed for dancers ages 4-6 who want to dip their toes into the competition world.
Dancers take class 1 day per week (technique class and choreography/rehearsal classes).
Dancers compete 2 routines.
Dancers attend 3 regional competitions & nationals!
Contact us with any questions!